Now it's this, blame.. Yup, I do.


Sunday, September 12, 2010


I don't know why it seems late I'm writing listening to things I haven't gotten a chance to listen to, reading, watching, and letting my thoughts skip around my head...

That was another not-so-late night similar to this 1. I'm happy to report the thoughts skipping around my head are there with profound reason. It appears I've gotten a grip. I really do have to apologize for those that have been trying to email me. I've seemingly fallen into a pattern habit of ruining well running technology.

*shrugs*  Everything should be handled and back in it's place until I decide to switch phones again. I have been writing quite a bit, the more I write the more excited about what I'm writing I get. Coincidentally it's also the more self-conscious I get about what I'm writing so I'll take that a little step at a time.

Some1 HAS to see it or I'll feel... some kind of way. YES inspiration is apparent, but I have to keep in mind what I think is very clear usually is marred in encryption to others. More reason why the source of my inspiration is special.

I said (I think) I wanted to start picking my favorite (insert number here) lines for every week. I really do want to do this, but now I'm thinking it won't just be from me. Or it will, but I'll have a separate list to include others' work I've come to appreciate. I'm discovering some dope writers out there. Word to Sasha Janai.

I'm going to think on this though, with some planning it could be more than what I initially planned, and I think that's definitely a good thing. My whole angle is this, I LOVE to write, and I know others out there are like me in regard, so let's get it popping and build up to help each other out.

Michelle hit me! lol all the writing talk made me think of that but yo 2nd paragraph.

Kanye's a musical genius. Just had to point that out.

I am going to be more conscious of what I'm speaking on. It was brought to my attention music is all I speak on, which isn't at all true, it just happens to be what others are willing to discuss. I draw examples and common ties through music because of the previous sentence. NOT to say that it ISN'T therapeutic for me I'm just pointing out there's a reason for everything.

Especially when your on a solo tip for most hours of the day. Which I DO mind, but deal with accordingly. This week is going to be full of interesting situations. I'll make sure to detail them as best I can.

lol chill this some OD sh1t right here... GUY "I need to take a break," WOMAN "Why did your d1ck break?"
More reason why girls are too much lol. That's from HUNG btw I don't need any trouble caused by this hobby.

Backpacks are where it's at right now... R2 is clean and I'm feeling like a Turtle =)
You know what's sick about Chris being Turtle? THEY made Turtle and THEY aren't around anymore... Kinda ill.

Question: What would a 'Rebel2society' look like if illustrated? What does THE rebel2society look like when illustrated? Pondering your answers...

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Or am I just... Senseless?