Friday, September 7, 2012
Lazy when I'm hazy
I'm trying to sit back and believe. That's hard to if you're basing your beliefs on something that's broken. So what do I need to sit back and believe in? I'm searching for answers to that...
(1-way ticket)
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Kanye Wins
OFten. Just an incredible example of how amazing he truly is.
"he boogie he bigheaded. Would you please stop talking bout how my dick-head is?"
I'm just saying, Kanye got a track record on here, and who can REALLY challenge Kanye's work? Are these questions basked in sarcasm?
No, the point is he's nice. He's better than you and I, and he knows it. While accepting the love and hate, he's still able to make them both his with reflection, inflection, then EXpression. This is too much... Kanye you're awesome.
(1-way ticket)
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WaWaWaaaake Up (Do your city)
stubborn |ˈstəbərn|adjectivehaving or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude orposition on something, esp. in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so:he accused her of being a silly, stubborn old woman.• difficult to move, remove, or cure: the removal of stubborn screws.
In my own proclamations, I see that I have cast a net meant to embrace unique admiration, and failed. It's nothing personal, and it hardly ever is. However, it has come to badly injure the images that once hung up for EVERYONE to see. I'm pretty sure they've since been taken down, and I'm not sure how I feel about it... Well, I'm blogging right?
bemuse |biˈmyo͞oz|verb [ with obj. ] (usu. as adj. bemused)puzzle, confuse, or bewilder (someone): her bemused expression | she was accepted with bemused resignation by her parents as a hippie.DERIVATIVESbemusedly |-zidlē|adverb,bemusement nounORIGIN mid 18th cent.: from be- (as an intensifier) + muse.
Great F'ing word! The context it was used in trumped anything I can come up with. Yes, I'm buried under uniform bemusement, just trying not to conform to it.
(1 way ticket)
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