Saturday, September 15, 2012
Don't tell me what to do.
Why is it feelings get caught in such turmoils? Why is it even a matter of feeling? I'm sick of hearing about everyone else's feelings, because to have heard those is to ignore my own apparently. That's how it always feels presented to me anyway. The most difficult thing to impart upon another regarding the F word is that I do in fact, get it. I do understand, I do empathize...
Although at this very moment I'm not so sure, I always forget which one is which. Regardless I wonder from time to time, who's sympathizing with me? Notice I'm not looking FOR anything, just wondering in deafening silence while the soundtrack of corruption plays in the background. Hip hop taught me, TV teaches them, so why must I be misunderstood for not trusting anybody?
Anyone who matters will ultimately be cut down by my own narrow sightedness anyway.
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"That's an extremely penetrating sound."
Silence is dumb loud... but lol at the quote anyway.
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St. Thomas
Hi everyone!
doubt |dout|nouna feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction: some doubt has been cast upon the authenticity of this account | they had doubts that they would ever win.verb1 [ with obj. ] feel uncertain about: I doubt my ability to do the job.• question the truth or fact of (something): who can doubt the value of these services? | [ with clause ] : I doubt if anyone slept that night.• disbelieve (a person or their word): I have no reason to doubt him.• [ no obj. ] feel uncertain, esp. about one's religious beliefs.2 [ with clause ] archaic fear; be afraid of: I doubt not your contradictions.PHRASESbeyond ( a or a shadow of a ) doubt allowing no uncertainty: you've proved it beyond doubt | they knew beyond a shadow of a doubt what made them doubt open to question: the outcome is no longer in doubt. • feeling uncertain about something: by the age of 14 he was in no doubt about his career doubt used to indicate the speaker's firm belief that something is true even if evidence is not given or available: those who left were attracted, no doubt, by higher pay. • used to introduce a concession that is subsequently dismissed as unimportant or irrelevant: they no doubt did what they could to help her, but their best proved insufficient.without ( a ) doubt indisputably: he was without doubt the very worst kind of reporter.DERIVATIVESdoubtable adjective,doubtingly adverbORIGIN Middle English: from Old French doute (noun), douter (verb), fromLatin dubitare ‘hesitate,’ from dubius ‘doubtful’ (see dubious)
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