My bed is no longer comfortable to me when I go to sleep. That is not a good situation, and it's starting to take it's toll. I'm a little confused that we, well me, has not figured out a remedy to this problem. Cause' it's like 4 days/nights and running... Ugh... Tonight, if sleep kisses me on the tip of the nose, I may turn things around. Anywhere else and it's quiet for every1.
Only using half of your setup is wack too. You spent all the time to do it with a vision in mind, then you don't use that vision! like EVER! Okay, ever (in all caps mind you) is pushing it. I'm uust pushing it further until I feel I can't anymore,there's nothing to lose, I've already lost the type of focus I need. Whatever. I'm focused still, but yeah...
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Tuesday, January 31, 2012
An article
That made me smile. No, smirk. In this state though, that's quite an accomplishment. LOL'n right now! More...
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Silence; It's When...
I can catch it from me. I can deal with silent treatments, as long as they aren't fatal to major organs. I feel weird when I'm silent for too long. New scenario, music is blasting, but I'm not (he ha), uncomfortability looms once consciousness is met with the realization.
Or maybe it's this chilling convo being had over text messages?
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Or maybe it's this chilling convo being had over text messages?
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New Thought
1st, believe I know about these being tagged, or rather the lack there of. Okay, next thought, It's an eye for an eye. Only I never meant to so much as cause the slightest irritation towards your retinas. Now I'm on an island, which isn't a good thing. I'm on an island because I feel alone. I'm NOT on an island because Marley is here. Reality/Perception. Roll with the latter (I'll be you). I think, a lot. That's a BIG statement. I'm hurt to KNOW what's coming when what's perceived is out of wack... I have a nasty feeling in my stomach, and it's too early to be anything that's going in my body. Shucks.
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It's funny cause...
I was looking and she wasn't... Kinda feels like it's vice versa. I've been there babe; I won't be mad.
I think it's just incredible how much gravity guilt can hold. Not guilt like I f*cked this chick while my girl was out of town typesh1t. Guilt like, okay, we BOTH did the wrong things, and if I can keep seeing how it plays out for us... I...
lost thoughts, and uncertainty come with guilt. Unanswered questions. I feel like that's where it's at. I feel that last line was wack in all aspects lol... Get it together boy.
Marley is a kisser, you f*ckin' licker. So much heat that ALMOST got past the censor people upstairs. Anyway, I'm sure I'm going IN on things that will more or less become true and I'll tell me, "I told you so," but it's okay this time. The correlation has been drawn; where it connects is a little blurry, but you can be safe and call it 'The Beginning and End'.
Sounds so dramatic, and it is. I can't wait to wake up tomorrow, I'm like planning stuff right now Becky OMG...
Wanna know something I feel is creepy? Marley knows when I slip, or fade. Deadass. She senses the different zones and demeanors. This one time, I scared the hell out of her and all I did was slowly walk into the house. No gas. She's nurturing right now, just what I need. Love this bitch.
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I think it's just incredible how much gravity guilt can hold. Not guilt like I f*cked this chick while my girl was out of town typesh1t. Guilt like, okay, we BOTH did the wrong things, and if I can keep seeing how it plays out for us... I...
lost thoughts, and uncertainty come with guilt. Unanswered questions. I feel like that's where it's at. I feel that last line was wack in all aspects lol... Get it together boy.
Marley is a kisser, you f*ckin' licker. So much heat that ALMOST got past the censor people upstairs. Anyway, I'm sure I'm going IN on things that will more or less become true and I'll tell me, "I told you so," but it's okay this time. The correlation has been drawn; where it connects is a little blurry, but you can be safe and call it 'The Beginning and End'.
Sounds so dramatic, and it is. I can't wait to wake up tomorrow, I'm like planning stuff right now Becky OMG...
Wanna know something I feel is creepy? Marley knows when I slip, or fade. Deadass. She senses the different zones and demeanors. This one time, I scared the hell out of her and all I did was slowly walk into the house. No gas. She's nurturing right now, just what I need. Love this bitch.
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Shhh... Shhh... there's an annoying layer of silence sitting on top of me right now. I'm equivocally about the same as Kyle Williams right now. Or wait, him AFTER the last game. Maybe that's not a good reference... I'm the same as... F*ck that. I was going on and on in my head thinking of examples that could prove me to be who I say I am. As I say it. Not worth it when I don't have to cater to any1's mind but my own.
Now I'm going to put on these amazing headphones you bought me and remember just what it is your going to do to hurt me tonight. I'll make it as long as I want to, and honestly, I can go. I have too much money and a history of not giving enough f*cks to know what to do with hit. Meaning, these days can go too.
Last I checked there were tons of favors to be called in; read into that how you like though. I should hit my brother up. I'm such a... loser. Not in the typical sense, but because I don't cherish hard enough. Here I am sad that you are gone, and I'm allowing myself to miss opportunities to give myself to others. Not too much of a payoff for it either if I'm once again being honest. I never lie to myself.
I'm admittedly a little too honest, and HOW CAN THAT BE? one might ask. The answer, is simple, but complex. The answer, is not to be discussed here.
Why does this have to allude to 'bad' things or 'bad' times? I wonder... *If you know* If things go as planned my 'this' will be rocking in about an hour. All of 'this' actually.
Jess was like I'm never gonna see you now... That kinda stuck with me. Never is pretty long, ya know? While I highly doubt that to be true (in fact recent events have me eyeing my cellular device) it's a process imagining if the 'when' is going to happen; then figuring out the 'how', and thus the outcome.
I feel like instructors are ready for me, although I'm not ready to be broken down by red strokes. Red sheets, red furniture, and red is the color of anger and fury. Go F*ckin' figure.
I'll definitely be back.
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Now I'm going to put on these amazing headphones you bought me and remember just what it is your going to do to hurt me tonight. I'll make it as long as I want to, and honestly, I can go. I have too much money and a history of not giving enough f*cks to know what to do with hit. Meaning, these days can go too.
Last I checked there were tons of favors to be called in; read into that how you like though. I should hit my brother up. I'm such a... loser. Not in the typical sense, but because I don't cherish hard enough. Here I am sad that you are gone, and I'm allowing myself to miss opportunities to give myself to others. Not too much of a payoff for it either if I'm once again being honest. I never lie to myself.
I'm admittedly a little too honest, and HOW CAN THAT BE? one might ask. The answer, is simple, but complex. The answer, is not to be discussed here.
Why does this have to allude to 'bad' things or 'bad' times? I wonder... *If you know* If things go as planned my 'this' will be rocking in about an hour. All of 'this' actually.
Jess was like I'm never gonna see you now... That kinda stuck with me. Never is pretty long, ya know? While I highly doubt that to be true (in fact recent events have me eyeing my cellular device) it's a process imagining if the 'when' is going to happen; then figuring out the 'how', and thus the outcome.
I feel like instructors are ready for me, although I'm not ready to be broken down by red strokes. Red sheets, red furniture, and red is the color of anger and fury. Go F*ckin' figure.
I'll definitely be back.
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Cause I feel...
3 statements: I can. More than you. I'm not like them.
And with that, hello 2012. All parodies have ended and I'm (more or less) still well, all 3 of me.
Not to be confused with all 3 statements. Rare form.
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And with that, hello 2012. All parodies have ended and I'm (more or less) still well, all 3 of me.
Not to be confused with all 3 statements. Rare form.
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you gon learn D!
"Can I add that he do spaz out..."
I mean...? Really? Lol Chill. I do though. (I Really F*ckin Do tho..)
Before I quickly forget, let me remember I do this; do it fast, and never think twice about it. Unless I'm viewing it down the road, which makes sense, cause then it's a "since" and not "sense" issue. *Blown*
Not really though. ^^ But really though.
Distance can do some interesting things to you. It's been liberating in that I can do whatever because WHOever isn't here. Yet, it's a catch 22 for sure. I need to be able to love justly, without fear of unjust doings. Distance is like the castle potential goings-ons happen.
Could be a case of a TON of alone time, and even weightier thoughts on the brain. Through the brain, whatever.
Other entry for another topic. Look down in the gym, look up and they look too. Then... Awkward. Musical.
I don't mind exploring what people are up to as long as they don't take offense. I'm in a grand position to do so, why not let loose? Still refusing to LOSE. If that's not a rib shot my little flick will have to suffice. Grrrrreat (cause I was going to growl, just not very feline like at the moment)!!!!
I'm late, nothing new there. Hope the parties involved aren't mad. Regardless, take from this what you will, know that I mean only to shine light on the darkness of distance. Pro's and Con's... I swear there was more here.
Oh well, maybe later.
Mad photographs too. Which is just weird.
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I mean...? Really? Lol Chill. I do though. (I Really F*ckin Do tho..)
Before I quickly forget, let me remember I do this; do it fast, and never think twice about it. Unless I'm viewing it down the road, which makes sense, cause then it's a "since" and not "sense" issue. *Blown*
Not really though. ^^ But really though.
Distance can do some interesting things to you. It's been liberating in that I can do whatever because WHOever isn't here. Yet, it's a catch 22 for sure. I need to be able to love justly, without fear of unjust doings. Distance is like the castle potential goings-ons happen.
Could be a case of a TON of alone time, and even weightier thoughts on the brain. Through the brain, whatever.
Other entry for another topic. Look down in the gym, look up and they look too. Then... Awkward. Musical.
I don't mind exploring what people are up to as long as they don't take offense. I'm in a grand position to do so, why not let loose? Still refusing to LOSE. If that's not a rib shot my little flick will have to suffice. Grrrrreat (cause I was going to growl, just not very feline like at the moment)!!!!
I'm late, nothing new there. Hope the parties involved aren't mad. Regardless, take from this what you will, know that I mean only to shine light on the darkness of distance. Pro's and Con's... I swear there was more here.
Oh well, maybe later.
Mad photographs too. Which is just weird.
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Saturday, January 14, 2012
"All the bad B*tches and the women saying 'HEY'!"
Attractive is worlds away from my mind.
*Thinks about David Ruffle*
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Attractive is worlds away from my mind.
*Thinks about David Ruffle*
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There's a Jay line...
"Cry me a river; build a bridge, and get over it..."
So I'm sensitive. Extra so.
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So I'm sensitive. Extra so.
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I don't like it when it gets like, at night; you can't really see nothing...
That was real as hell!!
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That was real as hell!!
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Friday, January 13, 2012
To Start Fresh...
I've thought about the possibility of redoing this blog, only because there's been a lot of changes regarding me and my personal life. It certainly has carried throughout a long timespan that has seen plenty of changes in itself, although this feels different somehow. I can't lie, I'm extremely aggy= agitated at a lot of recent events. When things turn towards the unexpected you really only have a few options. Move on, get to the bottom of the problem, solve it, then move on. Or adjust. I'm trying to get the last part down. I feel like my adaptation skills have been ALL the way on point this year (not 2012 year, but the better part of 2011 to the present). I've talked about A LOT of things especially the 'Extracurricular' activities one can indulge in whenever the mood strikes. Even to go as far as planning different time periods for these indulgences to happen. What I learned was, people are STILL blindly afraid of what they don't understand. Even when good reason is behind the blind paranoia, that blockage of UNDERSTANDING is strong, and deep. Proud of what I've been able to accomplish without so much as an instructor's official guide lecturing me on in the ways of the majority. My own path is somewhat crude; definitely not for the faint of heart, and unique to most.
Forgive me for tangents; I'm recollecting quite a bit due to the sting of VERY recent events... Ah, awkward male interactions. I'm not typical or 'A' anything. Very important to remember. I don't try to be anything other than what I've come to know as 'comfy' to my existence. Sure there are plenty influences that can run alongside my own beliefs, but it's authentically ME. So when said interactions don't work out, I normally have a very good idea as to why, and what, if anything, can be done to piece the puzzle back together. I've found in the last year or so it's deadass a matter of effort. How much I'm willing to put in is debatable; compared to my peers of the male variety, I'm leading the race by a wide margin. Actually, I'm leading that race when it comes to any of these interactions male or female, and tend to keep too much of a detailed log on why.
Both males and females are OD sensitive; myself being the supreme ruler of the title. This can't possibly help when lesser minds combine with deep thinkers, and robust-obtuse versions of the 'truth' are formulated. Perspective TRULY is everything nowadays, and I have little concern for others when forward thinking isn't at the HD focused forefront. My girl says, "You just don't know, they be gettin' at you." Or something of the sort, I prefer to ignore that for what may possibly come from that interaction. Take for a second the jubilation of an interatction so pluetonic (one-sided?), that came from *sucks teeth* a female. Doesn't matter when the outcome is Armeggedon for my heart. It's easier to just fade back. Much of what's connected online is by my own doing anyway. Me pushing the stop button can EASILY end it all. So I will, which isn't to suggest that's the issue or the question at hand here. That's the aftermath to my Shady at this point...
This place, being the one spot I could KIND OF let loose, still has it's vibrant remnants of an ugly past. I should probably be more cautious, cause you know, I was nothing short of beastly; it's never been my style or my desire. So to change or not to change? I really feel comfortable here, typing out nonsense. Then the trip where that nonsense is portrayed in a language my eyes pleasantly decode... Quite the therapy, and I haven't gotten cryptic. I don't want to, but that comes with mechanisms I can't shake, and I only say that based on what everybody else thinks. I can only be as good as the next person says I am. Such was proved through a monstrous basketball career. Anyway, I'm hurting. I know it, and while I hope to not show it, I'll be holding onto this against my own will. To make this space reflect that, may be unfair. The content is free game though.
Gonna browse some music, I have SO MUCH work to do regarding that alone. Love you if your reading (babe), I'm kind of thinking about going in. Which is crazy, because I just did.
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Forgive me for tangents; I'm recollecting quite a bit due to the sting of VERY recent events... Ah, awkward male interactions. I'm not typical or 'A' anything. Very important to remember. I don't try to be anything other than what I've come to know as 'comfy' to my existence. Sure there are plenty influences that can run alongside my own beliefs, but it's authentically ME. So when said interactions don't work out, I normally have a very good idea as to why, and what, if anything, can be done to piece the puzzle back together. I've found in the last year or so it's deadass a matter of effort. How much I'm willing to put in is debatable; compared to my peers of the male variety, I'm leading the race by a wide margin. Actually, I'm leading that race when it comes to any of these interactions male or female, and tend to keep too much of a detailed log on why.
Both males and females are OD sensitive; myself being the supreme ruler of the title. This can't possibly help when lesser minds combine with deep thinkers, and robust-obtuse versions of the 'truth' are formulated. Perspective TRULY is everything nowadays, and I have little concern for others when forward thinking isn't at the HD focused forefront. My girl says, "You just don't know, they be gettin' at you." Or something of the sort, I prefer to ignore that for what may possibly come from that interaction. Take for a second the jubilation of an interatction so pluetonic (one-sided?), that came from *sucks teeth* a female. Doesn't matter when the outcome is Armeggedon for my heart. It's easier to just fade back. Much of what's connected online is by my own doing anyway. Me pushing the stop button can EASILY end it all. So I will, which isn't to suggest that's the issue or the question at hand here. That's the aftermath to my Shady at this point...
This place, being the one spot I could KIND OF let loose, still has it's vibrant remnants of an ugly past. I should probably be more cautious, cause you know, I was nothing short of beastly; it's never been my style or my desire. So to change or not to change? I really feel comfortable here, typing out nonsense. Then the trip where that nonsense is portrayed in a language my eyes pleasantly decode... Quite the therapy, and I haven't gotten cryptic. I don't want to, but that comes with mechanisms I can't shake, and I only say that based on what everybody else thinks. I can only be as good as the next person says I am. Such was proved through a monstrous basketball career. Anyway, I'm hurting. I know it, and while I hope to not show it, I'll be holding onto this against my own will. To make this space reflect that, may be unfair. The content is free game though.
Gonna browse some music, I have SO MUCH work to do regarding that alone. Love you if your reading (babe), I'm kind of thinking about going in. Which is crazy, because I just did.
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