Industry rule number 4080. Record company people are SHAAAADDDDDYYYY!
(c) Q-Tip (This from his A Tribe Called Quest days though)
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Thursday, January 28, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Tell Em That The Future's Back Delorean Ridin Down The Block
Shoutout to Lupe .
Dope Video, ilL Song
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Thursday, January 7, 2010
*runs and hides*
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I still get lost in my music zone out n just lose it. Not a temper or
tantrum this how my center gets pampered that's like my soul you know
the word chi? That's what I achieve a zone all alone that's home to
inner peace. At least for me and that's the least of what I ask for. I
don't try to get there no lessons more like a crash course. Centered
around my interest its my sport. Filling the voids left from being
annoyed by outsiders. The game never changes just rearranges players
to fill in the shoes that used to belong to you. Except for me
exceptionally especially abused bruised by these untruth's. Why even
ask if its true. Master hiatus' I had to fly the coop. Not just the
net my house and phones too. Connect back with myself until I feel
that I'm cool return to the world disconnected on a wireless
connection. Death I can't mess with double back hit reset. When a
shoulder is needed I'm somewhere feeling defeated and neglected. A
little depressed knowing the elected few went unprotected. Looking for
answers won't find em but your guess is as good as mine is. But I'm
stuck trying to remind myself that no person is timeless. Get a wake
up call from a call waking you up telling you today is when his time
is. Damn where the time went? That's always the next thought. I was
just with them the other day...
*Is there more (c'mon son)? and does it even matter?*
Dilla's rivaled by who? Gone (n peace)!
_ _
I still get lost in my music zone out n just lose it. Not a temper or
tantrum this how my center gets pampered that's like my soul you know
the word chi? That's what I achieve a zone all alone that's home to
inner peace. At least for me and that's the least of what I ask for. I
don't try to get there no lessons more like a crash course. Centered
around my interest its my sport. Filling the voids left from being
annoyed by outsiders. The game never changes just rearranges players
to fill in the shoes that used to belong to you. Except for me
exceptionally especially abused bruised by these untruth's. Why even
ask if its true. Master hiatus' I had to fly the coop. Not just the
net my house and phones too. Connect back with myself until I feel
that I'm cool return to the world disconnected on a wireless
connection. Death I can't mess with double back hit reset. When a
shoulder is needed I'm somewhere feeling defeated and neglected. A
little depressed knowing the elected few went unprotected. Looking for
answers won't find em but your guess is as good as mine is. But I'm
stuck trying to remind myself that no person is timeless. Get a wake
up call from a call waking you up telling you today is when his time
is. Damn where the time went? That's always the next thought. I was
just with them the other day...
*Is there more (c'mon son)? and does it even matter?*
Dilla's rivaled by who? Gone (n peace)!
_ _
Webster who?
hate /heɪt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [heyt] Show IPA verb, hat⋅ed, hat⋅ing, noun
Use hate in a Sentence
See web results for hate
See images of hate
–verb (used with object) 1. to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry.
2. to be unwilling; dislike: I hate to do it.
–verb (used without object) 3. to feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility.
–noun 4. intense dislike; extreme aversion or hostility.
5. the object of extreme aversion or hostility.
bef. 900; ME hat(i)en, OE hatian (v.); c. D haten, ON hata, Goth hatan, G hassen
Related forms:
hater, noun
1. loathe, execrate; despise. Hate, abhor, detest, abominate imply feeling intense dislike or aversion toward something. Hate, the simple and general word, suggests passionate dislike and a feeling of enmity: to hate autocracy. Abhor expresses a deep-rooted horror and a sense of repugnance or complete rejection: to abhor cruelty; Nature abhors a vacuum. Detest implies intense, even vehement, dislike and antipathy, besides a sense of disdain: to detest a combination of ignorance and arrogance. Abominate expresses a strong feeling of disgust and repulsion toward something thought of as unworthy, unlucky, or the like: to abominate treachery.
1. love.
Gone (n peace)!
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Use hate in a Sentence
See web results for hate
See images of hate
–verb (used with object) 1. to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry.
2. to be unwilling; dislike: I hate to do it.
–verb (used without object) 3. to feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility.
–noun 4. intense dislike; extreme aversion or hostility.
5. the object of extreme aversion or hostility.
bef. 900; ME hat(i)en, OE hatian (v.); c. D haten, ON hata, Goth hatan, G hassen
Related forms:
hater, noun
1. loathe, execrate; despise. Hate, abhor, detest, abominate imply feeling intense dislike or aversion toward something. Hate, the simple and general word, suggests passionate dislike and a feeling of enmity: to hate autocracy. Abhor expresses a deep-rooted horror and a sense of repugnance or complete rejection: to abhor cruelty; Nature abhors a vacuum. Detest implies intense, even vehement, dislike and antipathy, besides a sense of disdain: to detest a combination of ignorance and arrogance. Abominate expresses a strong feeling of disgust and repulsion toward something thought of as unworthy, unlucky, or the like: to abominate treachery.
1. love.
Gone (n peace)!
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Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Let me break it down for all you wild slow ******
This blog was set up specifically based around my love for hip hop music. It's grown into an outlet for my thoughts, imagination, and fantasies but still remains rooted in music. Everything done on here is done that specific way for a specific reason. Right down to the Charles Hamilton d*ck suckers that google his name just to see what blogs are talking about him so they can go there and talk sh*t. Let's not forget the shoutmix folks either. Nice work. *These niggaz is haters! (c) Hov*
YEEEES I know how to spell, use spellcheck, and I'm anal about things being spelled correctly. Think about that. Anyway The links on here all lead to what I would say is useful information guiding you to thebest latest music/phone-computer tech/hip hop blog/movie-tv-anime-video game-comic book/ sites available. So its funny to me (not annoying just humorous) when I get questions for help about music.
Don't get me wrong the fact that someone would want me to help them with their music is humbling and ill and the same time. It's just STILL surprising lol. With all that said, there are some specific music web sites I left off the list because I don't endorse getting the music that way, and this was supposed to be for Squishy to find out what those sites were, but then a sense of responsibility kicked in.
Change of plans (sorry), I think I've said enough for now still so much more to touch on though. HATEerz on deck! Gone(n peace)!
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YEEEES I know how to spell, use spellcheck, and I'm anal about things being spelled correctly. Think about that. Anyway The links on here all lead to what I would say is useful information guiding you to the
Don't get me wrong the fact that someone would want me to help them with their music is humbling and ill and the same time. It's just STILL surprising lol. With all that said, there are some specific music web sites I left off the list because I don't endorse getting the music that way, and this was supposed to be for Squishy to find out what those sites were, but then a sense of responsibility kicked in.
Change of plans (sorry), I think I've said enough for now still so much more to touch on though. HATEerz on deck! Gone(n peace)!
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Your Attention Please. Your Attention I Need It!
Apparently some people weren't too happy with the last post.. I mean I don't really know why, but its something to note don't u think? I don't hear any complaints when I'm dropping names on some happy- to-know-ya- love-ya-laugh with you sh*t (mind you when I do that those are all honest feelings every time).
That's completely ignoring the fact I wasn't malicious with my words in the least bit (and damn if I can't whip up some sharp sentences that are proven lethal when heard/read). I'm definitely not mad though! How could I be? If someone has a problem with this their reading and isn't that the idea in the first place? Lol and IF they're reading YES IT IS THE POINT (I know how easily confused you get...)!
What do you do when the audience you perform to expects you to lose? (That sounds like an excerpt of some sh*t I wrote) I guess you have to ask yourself if you really want to win or just look good losing? My conclusion was the former. Ahhhh welcome to the place you go when you know you've made mistakes learned from them and don't want to make the same one's again.
Redemption Hall or something like that, pretty much where I've been decorating sense my series of self induced 'Fails'. To my credit a lot of it while it could've been avoided WAS out of my hands. Kicked my feet up and got quite comfortable until I decided it was time for some REdecorating dig?
Since my sense is having some much needed additions added to it, I figured I'd clear some more things up. This space is mine, unless I lend it to one of you lucky people. I'm bout to tip the glass and let it spill over.
I have nothing to lose revealing myself cause I'm true to myself all day. So yeah I'm gonna come back to facebook, back to myspace, back to twitter and enjoy being everywhere that is accessible to the public. At least the public with an internet connections lol.
Anyway people that know me know what it is. Still the same nerdy (more nerdy actually) dude laid back to the max wondering where or who is gonna come sweep me off my 2 feet, who just happens to be extremely talented at that round ball sport. So yeah n*ggas laugh it up and youb*tches ladies zip it up cause its obviously not for you. So why hate?
There's Law to keep Order and I'm creating my own law and order here, and everywhere else in my life cause when I wait for it to come to me (sweep sweep) I find myself waiting waiting and waiting some more. So choke on that. UgotIT!Gone!
*So much more to say*
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That's completely ignoring the fact I wasn't malicious with my words in the least bit (and damn if I can't whip up some sharp sentences that are proven lethal when heard/read). I'm definitely not mad though! How could I be? If someone has a problem with this their reading and isn't that the idea in the first place? Lol and IF they're reading YES IT IS THE POINT (I know how easily confused you get...)!
What do you do when the audience you perform to expects you to lose? (That sounds like an excerpt of some sh*t I wrote) I guess you have to ask yourself if you really want to win or just look good losing? My conclusion was the former. Ahhhh welcome to the place you go when you know you've made mistakes learned from them and don't want to make the same one's again.
Redemption Hall or something like that, pretty much where I've been decorating sense my series of self induced 'Fails'. To my credit a lot of it while it could've been avoided WAS out of my hands. Kicked my feet up and got quite comfortable until I decided it was time for some REdecorating dig?
Since my sense is having some much needed additions added to it, I figured I'd clear some more things up. This space is mine, unless I lend it to one of you lucky people. I'm bout to tip the glass and let it spill over.
I have nothing to lose revealing myself cause I'm true to myself all day. So yeah I'm gonna come back to facebook, back to myspace, back to twitter and enjoy being everywhere that is accessible to the public. At least the public with an internet connections lol.
Anyway people that know me know what it is. Still the same nerdy (more nerdy actually) dude laid back to the max wondering where or who is gonna come sweep me off my 2 feet, who just happens to be extremely talented at that round ball sport. So yeah n*ggas laugh it up and you
There's Law to keep Order and I'm creating my own law and order here, and everywhere else in my life cause when I wait for it to come to me (sweep sweep) I find myself waiting waiting and waiting some more. So choke on that. UgotIT!Gone!
*So much more to say*
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Monday, January 4, 2010
Hey Hey Hey...
So more friends gone to start off 2010. Its a whatever type deal to me right now, I mean I know I could have given more of myself to build/strengthen/salvage the relationship(s) but I'm spreading myself thin as it is. That's not to say I didn't WANT to do those things, just I'm trying to be focused on my lil dudes my game my life, family, and friends. The problem is it comes in that order. I can admit I need to work on that and I plan to, sorry, I AM working on that (Gamble on me eehhh?). However, this is moreso to say good bye to Megherz (insert peace smiley emoticon here) the quirky yet funny, sometimes spaced out, independent, master of the see-saw 24 hour fitness employee. Unfortunately my one time acquaintance who became a short time friend is now once again becoming an even more formal acquaintance... So I'm going back in the past while moving forward in the future (Quick?) and it makes it DOES make sense!
No malicious intent here, it just didn't work out there kid.But any mention of 'using' dead that sh*t.
*Resisting the cliche Jay-Z (insert song title here) phrase*
Those 5 things are all important and necessary priorities for me to have, I just need to work on reordering their order of importance AND still give the same amount of energy to each area.honestly all that was trumped by anything basketball and or electronic/manga/cinema/related activities available at the time YOU KNOW! Lol this is kind of fun... I recognize that nothing worth working for will happen overnight, so I'm taking it a few steps at a time. People may actually get some things they've been waiting for...
My intent wasn't to embarass or put anybody on blast, but this is me right here. If you were offended I'm sorry. Enjoy this more intimate look your getting today, cause I don't know how I feel about it.
Maybe next time Squishy *Kanye Shrug*
Gone! (n peace)
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No malicious intent here, it just didn't work out there kid.
*Resisting the cliche Jay-Z (insert song title here) phrase*
Those 5 things are all important and necessary priorities for me to have, I just need to work on reordering their order of importance AND still give the same amount of energy to each area.
My intent wasn't to embarass or put anybody on blast, but this is me right here. If you were offended I'm sorry. Enjoy this more intimate look your getting today, cause I don't know how I feel about it.
Maybe next time Squishy *Kanye Shrug*
Gone! (n peace)
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