People are going to be missed, but I'm living in the memories they left me with. It's never any different, but it is what it is..
But why the F*** both of ya'll leave me like this!? lol swear to god ya'll better do what you said you were going to.
*No Replacements*
Everybody has to fall into THEIR place and play THEIR role in MY life. Think about that. I determine YOUR roles, and believe me you can't jump around. Like I said it is what it is..
*Where is the REAL Turtle?*

Exactly how I'm feeling right now, just with a false sense of strength. (Obviously that n*gga strong 4real lol)Too much going on, a lot of eyes watching what i'm going to do next. People plotting against me, or just not acknowledging what I want to do to the world. My parents see me as the child they raised, but yo I can't be that for them forever. Love interest hmmmmmmm? (well wtf did I pick Hercules for anyway? lol). Dependable animal, (Marley what up baby!) and the mentors in my life that are too SHORTsighted to see the big picture.. All the while, I'm smiling with this huge weight on me. I'm GOING to get it off me, but damn this place isn't where it's going to happen. Gone.
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