Now it's this, blame.. Yup, I do.


Saturday, May 29, 2010


New Wayne video. Not really interested but f*ck it he is locked up right now. Free Wayne so he can do more of what got him locked up! And bring me more good music... Less of this stuff though geez..

This one's not too bad at all, I was supposed to post the other1 the other day but I couldn't get through the song. No lie, I didn't like it that much lol.. Anyway here's that one.

2 more set to debut this weekend via MTV2/MTVJAMS



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Straight outta LA

I never got a chance to watch this so I will now before the Lakers close out this series. YES I was wrong about Orlando they had some of ya'll believing for a hot second though lol. Cube ftw!


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T.I. vs the Hustlers

Does T.I. have your ears? Have you checked out his new mixtape hosted by DJ Drama entitled F*ck A Mixtape? Anyway I'm just curious.. I've noticed a certain fat man has stepped in to fill T.I.'s (and now Wayne's) shoes. The fat man: Rick Ross. The void: Hustler rap. That thuggity thug thuggin stuff lol.

Anyway I just thought it was an interesting scenario to keep an eye on. For the record, my opinion on T.I.'s tape is this. He killed it. Real over-aggressive content bringing fans back to the trap Tip. We'll see if anyone's taking notice though that album is SUPPOSED to be coming around the corner...

... I don't much like Rick Ross, but I'll admit he has been everywhere as of late. I'm still rocking with T.I. if it comes down to it. King Uncaged coming soon!


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W.E.S.T. 3

Grandpa cube! Lol I don't know what do ya'll think? He went at a few household names I guess.. Wonder if anyone else will have anything to say about that? Doubt  it..

Am I still repping today? I don't know but anymore time outside and I'm going to have to! downtown  was beautiful yesterday!

Shout out to Uncle Vito's!


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Or am I just... Senseless?